Eleanor Rigby

by The Beatles

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 5:24 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Paul McCartney

Tabbed by

dippy sammie!


1st → singing 1
2nd → pianon #1
3rd → singing 2rrison
4th → guitar8

File Size

28 KB




Ahhhh, Look at all the lone-ly peo-ple! Ahhhh, Look at all the lone-ly peo-ple! E-lea-nor Rig-by, picks up the rice in the church where a wed-ding has been, lives in a dre-eam. Waits at the win-dow, wear-ing the face that she keeps in a jar by the door, who is it fo-or? All the lone-ly peo-ple, where do they all come from? All the lon-ely peo-ple, where do they all be-long? Fath-er Mc-Ken-zie, writ-ing the words of a ser-mon that no one will hear, no one comes ne-ear. Look at him work-ing, darn-ing his socks in the night when there's no-bod-y there, what does he ca-are? All the lone-ly peo-ple, where do they all come from? All the lon-ely peo-ple, where do they all be-long? Ahhhh, Look at all the lone-ly peo-ple! Ahhhh, Look at all the lone-ly peo-ple! E-lea-nor Rig-by, died in the church and was bur-ied a-long with her name, no-bod-y ca-ame. Fath-er Mc-Ken-zie, wip-ing the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave, no one was sa-aved. All the lone-ly peo-ple, where do they all come from? All the lon-ely peo-ple, where do they all be-long?


what the piano is playing is made up from what other instruments such as violin usually play. i made this tab for myself but i thought i'd put it on the internet because other people may like it. i think what the piano plays gives the song an interesting effect (but that's just my opinion)! i hope you do like it, it took me ages to make it sound decent!